A versatile, meticulous, and imaginative graphic designer, I have a strong background in traditional and digital illustration, as well as years of experience working with large-scale clients at both the agency and freelance levels. I was able to lay the foundation for my craft as an in-house designer, learning the importance of thinking on my feet, sticking to deadlines, and approaching projects as part of a team. I gained expertise in the nuances of print production and realized the true significance that design holds in sales and marketing efforts.

Rebuilding my career in the freelance realm has enhanced my appreciation for and knowledge of social media integration and an online presence. I have gained the organizational aptitude necessary for managing multiple projects at once and honed communication skills that facilitate effective implementation of my clients’ design needs. My ability to take on diverse challenges within graphic design and illustration is what allows me to remain an engaged, thriving, and dedicated professional in this industry.

I am continually on the lookout for new opportunities that allow me to express my passion for design, while also delivering innovative results-oriented solutions to my clients.

Versatile graphic designer & illustrator.